1961Publishing Update
by Justin Javed
After a long period without publishing new titles, we published Lee Strobel’s book, The Case for Christ, in Urdu in 2013. This book has blessed our publishing team and every reader, and was our best seller that year. We also did a reprint, in Urdu, of I Dared to Call Him Father by Bilquis Sheikh and started work on translating and publishing Lee Strobel’s book, The Case for Faith.
The Sialkot Convention
Every September, CLC has a book table at the Sialkot Convention — a large gathering of Christians in the north of Pakistan. It is not an easy task given the distance involved (1,126 km), and it can be a very wet as it is held during the monsoon season. In 2015, the decision to go was particularly difficult because Justin Javed’s wife, Bushra, and baby son, Erwin, were still not fully recovered from the traumatic birth and several weeks in hospital for them both. Justin wrote at the time, “Things seem difficult, but I have decided to go to the Sialkot Convention. Many souls are waiting for us.
Following the Convention, Justin wrote: “The Lord glorified His name through CLC Pakistan. When I arrived at the Convention, there was a prayer meeting going on and I was invited to share the Word of God for the sick and demon possessed. It was amazing as there were many pastors and people with a ministry for healing there, but they asked me to share with 500 to 600 people and they experienced God’s blessing through the precious message. Despite heavy rainfall during two days of the convention, the Lord protected our stock. We had good sales and found new stock for the Karachi bookshop.
Correspondence Courses
by Miles and Beryl Sim
One of the most fruitful means of outreach is through Bible correspondence courses. Miles works with the Correspondence School in Karachi. Their board is chosen from different missionary societies, and they have centres in Karachi, Lyallapur, Abbottabad and Sind. From Karachi, they issue courses in Urdu and in English, and Miles corrects the ones in English. Many people take them and there is a good response. The study of the Word really seems to grip the students’ hearts. One young man wrote, “I have accepted Christ as my Saviour and I know that there is nothing I can do for my salvation; Christ has done it all. I only have to trust in Him.”
After completing the first few lessons, students receive a New Testament and, later, a Bible. Tracts and other literature are also sent. Those who come to Christ can join a correspondence club, receiving a regular magazine which is a means of fellowship for them.