Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone volunteers and staff Bevin Scott, Laivina Kamara, Alie Kam

Celebrating 50 Years

by Donald John

The CLC work in Sierra Leone began in July, 1966, when a committee from Scripture Union saw the need for a bookshop. The bookshop was established with the intention of fostering good reading habits for Christians. For this reason, CLC opened a reading room, which also served as a means of evangelistic outreach and as a place for fruitful discussion. For some years, an adult literacy project was a feature of the CLC ministry. There was also an extensive mobile ministry in the early days which later closed due to severe economic restrictions in the country. Contact with CLC USA in those early days also led to a partnership which has proved successful over the years.

Sierra Leone book table

Encouraging Story:

Children in the Bookshop

Alfred KaiKai is the manager of the Circular Road bookshop and relates this story:

One day some primary school children came in to the bookshop. They had just taken an examination in preparation for moving on to secondary or high school. They came to buy tracts as they were something they could afford. One of the tracts was titled ‘Unloved’. A girl asked, “Does God love everyone in the world?” I said, “Yes, and God loves you as well.” She then explained that she felt her parents didn’t love her as they were always shouting at her and beating her for no reason. She was about 10 years old and was crying as she was saying this. I prayed with her and, when she returned to the shop the following Saturday, I had the opportunity of leading her to Christ. She passed her exams and is now at a school with boarding facilities. We pray that her relationship with Christ will continue to grow as she progresses in life.”

Alfred Kaikai

Manager, CLC Sierra Leone

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