Quotes, Poems & Special Greetings
We Never Truly Retire
When Bob Gerry’s daughter asked him if he had anything he, as a CLC retiree, would like to mention in this magazine, he questioned whether he was in fact retired! Like so many of the CLC staff from the ‘early days’ of the mission, they are still very actively involved! Bob served for 28 years with CLC Japan, becoming the National Director for Japan, then as CLC International Director when Ken Adams retired and after that as Regional Director for the Americas. Now he is serving as a prayer warrior!
“As I have been reading and praying through the CLC World, I have been struck by how many countries are served by CLC’s ministry. It has been over 25 years since Dorothy and I retired from CLC and yet I still feel a part of your ministry though prayer. May God continue to bless CLC and the work the mission is doing for Him.”
Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)
“People seldom read a book which is given to them; the way to spread a book is to sell it at a low price. No man will send for and buy a thing which costs even sixpence without an intention to read it.”
Thomas a Kempis (1380 -1471)
“If he shall not lose his reward who gives a cup of cold water to his thirsty neighbour, what will not be the reward of those who, putting good books into the hands of their neighbours, open to them the fountain of eternal life?”
Scattered Silent Witnesses – Amy Carmichael (CLC Author)
Spirit of God, unseal the fast-closed ear, The blinded eyes enlighten, heavenly Guide, And let the things that do not yet appear Shine through the Book, that Christ be magnified.
Spirit of God, O Thou who hearest prayer, Thine are the scattered, silent witnesses. Take Thou each book into Thy watchful care; Make each a minister of righteousness.
The Commission Remains the Same by Les and Eileen Coley
Les and Eileen Coley joined CLC 70 years ago, and this was their message to the CLC International Office for Christmas 2015:
“During this past year, we reached 69 years in CLC and age brings its limitations. However, the commission remains the same — reaching a needy world with Gospel Literature. The Harvest is great! The labourers few! Pray on until the cry goes up, ‘The kingdoms of this world have become the Kingdom of our God and His Christ’.
Amen! Hallelujah! The Lord bless and use you all in some way to this end.”