Explore CLC countries by decade Grouped here are all the countries where CLC operated and the year they started. Click each flag for an article, 'forever grateful moment', testimony, photos and videos from that country. Countries where CLC started in the 1940s United Kingdom 1941 Canada 1945 Dominica 1947 Liberia 1947 USA 1947 1948: Germany 1948: Uruguay Countries where CLC started in the 1950s Japan 1950 France 1951 Trinidad and Tobago 1951 India 1954 Indonesia 1954 Italy 1956 Austria 1957 Barbados 1957 Chile 1958 Philippines 1958 Thailand 1958 Papua New Guinea 1959 Countries where CLC started in the 1960s Cote d'Ivoire 1961 Netherlands 1962 Spain 1966 Sierra Leone 1966 Mozambique 1966 Pakistan 1961 Antigua 1961 Countries where CLC started in the 1970s Venezuela 1970 Colombia 1973 Korea 1975 Panama 1976 Countries where CLC started in the 1980s Cyprus 1981 Portugal 1985 Countries where CLC started in the 1990s Burkina Faso 1991 Poland 1991 Romania 1991 Myanmar 1992 Bulgaria 1993 Hungary 1993 Belarus 1994 Benin 1998 Central Asia 1 1996 Central Asia 2 1997 Countries where CLC started in the 2000s Ecuador 2001 Russia 2006 Kenya 2007 Switzerland 2008 Countries where CLC started in the 2010s Bolivia 2013 Mexico 2014